Real Parents. Real Results. Hear Their Stories!
Struggling with challenging behaviors at home? You're not alone! These parents faced similar situations, but with the guidance of Parent Coach MegAnne Ford, they found calm and positive change for their families.
See for yourself! Watch video testimonials and read written statements where parents share the benefits of investing in coaching with MegAnne.
Discover unique solutions: Learn how MegAnne's methods helped these families find personalized approaches that worked for them, all while feeling supported throughout the process.
See How Parents Transformed Their Homes with MegAnne's Support!
This video testimonial features parents who worked with MegAnne and experienced a positive transformation in their families. Hear firsthand how MegAnne's supportive coaching helped them find solutions and create a calmer, happier home.
Tired of Yelling, Sleepless Nights, and Feeling Overwhelmed?
This isn't how parenthood has to be. My Parenting Coaching Program is different. It's a two-way conversation. Forget about lectures or endless reading. We'll work together to identify what's working in your family and what needs improvement. We'll then create personalized solutions to help you achieve a calmer, happier home.
"Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done."
- Mom of 3
The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family. I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.
"The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone."
- Mom of 2
Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer. One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary.
"I figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally. This was not the case."
- Mom of 2
I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting. I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs.
more from Cyndi
Beginning Yelling. Oh, the yelling. Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done. When my daughter pointed it out as one of my shortcomings, it crushed me.
Starting I was sent a few of MegAnne’s TikTok videos from a friend, MegAnne was offering one of her Gentle Parenting sessions, and after talking to my husband, we decided what do we have to lose.
It was a great decision, and I am glad I took the classes. I had a big ah-ha moment in one meeting where MegAnne pointed out that yelling is a choice 🤯.
Practicing We now have come to joint agreements that they understand and have buy-in, which makes conversations around them much lighter.
For example, tv: We came to a family agreement that the tv would not go on if the family room was not picked up. This still leads to tears and frustrations, but we have an agreement we can come back to, and it often leads to action, whether a clean room or a conversation on who should do what or when it will get picked up.
My need to fix and rescue is also something that I am working on. A great example is when I take my kids to sporting practices/games. I would be on the sideline telling them to participate or behave.
I have realized that my role is only to get them to the practice/game, and not be the coach. I often sit in discomfort, but it has helped me set boundaries for myself and allowed me not to be a mean/embarrassing mom.
Living The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family.
I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.
I have also realized that I can be ambiguous, and children need clearer direction. When I would say in a minute, they would assume that meant in a minute.
Now I know to be clearer and hold myself to what I agree.
I want to be the person my kids feel safe with, someone they can turn to and not out of obligation. During a meeting that hit home, I want my kids to visit me when they are older because they want to, not because they have to.
There is no negative to joining. You will unlock being a better parent, partner, co-worker, etc. It is not all fun and games, and there will be tears, but you will see the transformation within yourself and your kids that will make your “what do I want for my kids in 20 years” become more of a reality.
~ Cyndi N. ~
Mom of 3
more from KC
Beginning Before MegAnne, my toolbox was very sparse. The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone. I had so much guilt and felt like a horrible parent.
I was at a loss, and when I found MegAnne, it was like I had found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Starting I started in the community and moved on to Class Pass and then into C.L.E.A.R. and Kind Parents.
MegAnne and her programs have shown me there is a different way to parent my kids.
Practicing Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer.
One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary and stay off the bean bag. I leaned into the group so hard. And they supported me. No judgment, just there to validate my feelings and help me through it.
Living Every time I show up in the community, it is like getting fresh air. Like the clouds are opening up, and I can see clearly. I see my goal, I see where I want to be, and I can see that it’s possible to be the parent I want to be.
This group, this space is so worth it.
~ KC S. ~
Mom of 2
more from Bridget
Beginning I had been on the positive parenting side of social media for four years, and I agreed with many of the technics and figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally.
This was not the case, so I kept searching and found MegAnne; to me, she was different. I again said this would come naturally if I just put the time in the free spaces. 6 months after consuming all of MegAnne’s free content, I still was not seeing any significant change.
Still, we had uncontrollable outbursts, and I felt lost after these outbursts.
Starting I decided to start the journey into the paid programs, Raising Respectful Kids and then Class Pass.
I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting.
I knew this was where I wanted to go, so I invested my time and money into becoming a #kindsquad member.
Finally, with MegAnne and the kindsquad in my pocket, I could let go of all the other content and “shoulds” in my life.
Practicing As I worked the process, I now see my oldest son from a new perspective.
Before the program, I perceived his behaviors as signs of ADHD, which made me fearful of sending him to school and having a hard time.
After using the C.L.E.A.R. Method and Positive Parenting philosophy, the truth was that his behaviors had more to do with how I interacted with him than medical problems.
MegAnne’s program supported me in finding my new authoritative parenting style. I no longer fear my son is ADHD because his behaviors have nearly stopped.
I can now tune into his needs at the time. This is a skill that I have had to practice and embrace in the process.
Living The transformation of the relationship between my son and me is invaluable. I am reaping the benefits of the choice I made starting MegAnne’s Positive Parenting Journey.
I can use her method and positive parenting philosophy in any situation with my kids or family. When something does escalate to something that doesn’t feel good, you can reflect, pinpoint where it went wrong, and focus on practicing there next time.
I used to cry and have extreme guilt after a big blow-up because I didn’t have the tools to reflect and find where things went off the tracks.
Now, I feel good about the mistakes because I have a system to reflect and say OHHHH, that is where we (I) went wrong.
I feel good about the parent I am becoming. I am proud of myself!
Does positive parenting work? With MegAnne, the answer is YES. You don’t have to do things you feel uncomfortable with. Instead, MegAnne sheds light on the places that we can improve.
You might even wonder if you have been given the manual to parenting.
~ Bridget T. ~
"Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done."
- Mom of 3
The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family. I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.
more from Cyndi
Beginning Yelling. Oh, the yelling. Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done. When my daughter pointed it out as one of my shortcomings, it crushed me.
Starting I was sent a few of MegAnne’s TikTok videos from a friend, MegAnne was offering one of her Gentle Parenting sessions, and after talking to my husband, we decided what do we have to lose.
It was a great decision, and I am glad I took the classes. I had a big ah-ha moment in one meeting where MegAnne pointed out that yelling is a choice 🤯.
Practicing We now have come to joint agreements that they understand and have buy-in, which makes conversations around them much lighter.
For example, tv: We came to a family agreement that the tv would not go on if the family room was not picked up. This still leads to tears and frustrations, but we have an agreement we can come back to, and it often leads to action, whether a clean room or a conversation on who should do what or when it will get picked up.
My need to fix and rescue is also something that I am working on. A great example is when I take my kids to sporting practices/games. I would be on the sideline telling them to participate or behave.
I have realized that my role is only to get them to the practice/game, and not be the coach. I often sit in discomfort, but it has helped me set boundaries for myself and allowed me not to be a mean/embarrassing mom.
Living The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family.
I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.
I have also realized that I can be ambiguous, and children need clearer direction. When I would say in a minute, they would assume that meant in a minute.
Now I know to be clearer and hold myself to what I agree.
I want to be the person my kids feel safe with, someone they can turn to and not out of obligation. During a meeting that hit home, I want my kids to visit me when they are older because they want to, not because they have to.
There is no negative to joining. You will unlock being a better parent, partner, co-worker, etc. It is not all fun and games, and there will be tears, but you will see the transformation within yourself and your kids that will make your “what do I want for my kids in 20 years” become more of a reality.
~ Cyndi N. ~
Mom of 3
"The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone."
- Mom of 2
Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer. One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary.
more from KC
Beginning Before MegAnne, my toolbox was very sparse. The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone. I had so much guilt and felt like a horrible parent.
I was at a loss, and when I found MegAnne, it was like I had found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Starting I started in the community and moved on to Class Pass and then into C.L.E.A.R. and Kind Parents.
MegAnne and her programs have shown me there is a different way to parent my kids.
Practicing Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer.
One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary and stay off the bean bag. I leaned into the group so hard. And they supported me. No judgment, just there to validate my feelings and help me through it.
Living Every time I show up in the community, it is like getting fresh air. Like the clouds are opening up, and I can see clearly. I see my goal, I see where I want to be, and I can see that it’s possible to be the parent I want to be.
This group, this space is so worth it.
~ KC S. ~
Mom of 2
"I figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally. This was not the case."
- Mom of 2
I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting. I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs.
more from Bridget
Beginning I had been on the positive parenting side of social media for four years, and I agreed with many of the technics and figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally.
This was not the case, so I kept searching and found MegAnne; to me, she was different. I again said this would come naturally if I just put the time in the free spaces. 6 months after consuming all of MegAnne’s free content, I still was not seeing any significant change.
Still, we had uncontrollable outbursts, and I felt lost after these outbursts.
Starting I decided to start the journey into the paid programs, Raising Respectful Kids and then Class Pass.
I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting.
I knew this was where I wanted to go, so I invested my time and money into becoming a #kindsquad member.
Finally, with MegAnne and the kindsquad in my pocket, I could let go of all the other content and “shoulds” in my life.
Practicing As I worked the process, I now see my oldest son from a new perspective.
Before the program, I perceived his behaviors as signs of ADHD, which made me fearful of sending him to school and having a hard time.
After using the C.L.E.A.R. Method and Positive Parenting philosophy, the truth was that his behaviors had more to do with how I interacted with him than medical problems.
MegAnne’s program supported me in finding my new authoritative parenting style. I no longer fear my son is ADHD because his behaviors have nearly stopped.
I can now tune into his needs at the time. This is a skill that I have had to practice and embrace in the process.
Living The transformation of the relationship between my son and me is invaluable. I am reaping the benefits of the choice I made starting MegAnne’s Positive Parenting Journey.
I can use her method and positive parenting philosophy in any situation with my kids or family. When something does escalate to something that doesn’t feel good, you can reflect, pinpoint where it went wrong, and focus on practicing there next time.
I used to cry and have extreme guilt after a big blow-up because I didn’t have the tools to reflect and find where things went off the tracks.
Now, I feel good about the mistakes because I have a system to reflect and say OHHHH, that is where we (I) went wrong.
I feel good about the parent I am becoming. I am proud of myself!
Does positive parenting work? With MegAnne, the answer is YES. You don’t have to do things you feel uncomfortable with. Instead, MegAnne sheds light on the places that we can improve.
You might even wonder if you have been given the manual to parenting.
~ Bridget T. ~
“At first, it did not make sense, to me, to give a three year old a choice but learned she is strong and wants to feel validated. She did not, before. But now, when she feels big emotions she just says "Mommy, I am sorry - I need a hug!"
After working together, we now have a much healthier- equal relationship. I thought I had to be the hammer, now we give them choices with natural consequences. It is so much more equitable. It is not perfect but it has given the kids a voice. Even my husband is learning tactics that work for him.”
- Sara Barr J. Mom of 2
"I was a pressure cooker. Once I let out all of the steam (yelling), that's when the shame spiral would start; 'there I go again,' 'what's wrong with me?'" - Mom of 3
Beginning Yelling was my most used tool. Unfortunately, it also felt like it was "out of my control." This felt terrifying! I would try not to yell, but it kept happening no matter what I did.
I was a pressure cooker. Once I let out all of the steam (yelling), that's when the shame spiral would start; "there I go again," "what's wrong with me?", "Why can't I control myself" I'm such a bad mom." All the awful thoughts would flood my mind and trick me into believing those things were true.
The cycle would begin at the top, and the result was the same.
Starting I stumbled across one of MegAnne's Monday morning intentions on TikTok. I finally saw the light at the end of a very dark tunnel that I thought would never come. She opened my eyes to a whole new perspective.
I FINALLY felt relief and a sense of freedom after joining her paid programs.
First, I joined her book club (I wanted to test the waters) and went straight to raising respectful kids and a positive parenting class pass.
Practicing I learned to have compassion for myself and my family, "If we could, we would," self-awareness, and her C.L.E.A.R. method. Of course, I will forever have stress and conflict, but MegAnnes CLEAR method has given me new tools to handle them, and I will forever be grateful.
Living Joining has not just strengthened the bond between my children and me. It has helped me reinforce all other relationships in my life. I found support in the spaces she held that I didn't think were possible.
I highly encourage you to join her program and start your journey today
~ Devin E. ~
Mom of 3
"I fell into a cycle of permissiveness and resentment when my eldest started walking and talking and telling me 'no.'" - Mom of Two
Beginning I knew before I had kids that I wanted to parent differently from how I was raised and "mainstream" parenting.
However, I had no idea how to do that. I fell into a cycle of permissiveness and resentment when my eldest started walking and talking and telling me "no."
I was doing everything I could differently, and it was STILL HARD. I felt like my two-year-old was running the show in our house in a way that wasn't working for us.
I was not enjoying parenting. I felt hopeless and scared that I would end up doing all the same stuff I didn't like as a kid – just in a different way.
Starting I came across MegAnne on TikTok and devoured every bit of information she shared, and things began to change for us.
I decided to give MegAnne's CLEAR method a chance and joined Class Pass. I started to understand my child – I love MegAnne's deep dives into childhood development theory. I started to see it as developmentally appropriate, which allowed me to practice responding instead of reacting.
I also started to understand myself and why certain things felt so hard (spoiler alert – it was almost always my perspective of the behavior that made things hard, not the behavior itself).
All this didn't make things less complicated. However, it gave me back the power and confidence I needed to learn and practice the skills I needed to handle it.
Practicing After working through Class Pass, I had a chance to practice with our point of conflict, SHOES.
Putting shoes on, taking them off, and putting them away was a struggle. I put my new skills to practice at the end of the walk, and my 4-year girl tossed her shoes in the basket – no tears, no running off shoes in hand screaming, no threats, bribes, or pleading.
I stood there in shock and said, "Alright, there's something good here." I moved quickly into C.L.E.A.R. & Kind Parents.
Living Now in my home, the big feelings, outbursts, meltdowns, and tantrums still happen.
I still get overwhelmed, tired, and frustrated – but the biggest difference is I KNOW we can handle it as a family unit.
I know I can step away from a demanding child to get myself back in the right head space before responding.
I know that my children are good kids who just need some support, and I'm always teaching them. And I know that when I hit a wall and have NO CLUE what to do – I have a community to take my struggle to, and they will help.
This community is different than any I've experienced. There are no expectations to meet. There are no levels of achievement to reach, no judgment or competition – we are just fellow humans on a similar path of parenting who want to celebrate your wins with you and support you through the struggles.
~ Steph C. ~
Mom of 2
Begin to Transform Your Parenting Journey in One Week!
Are you ready for a parenting revolution? Join us for a transformative Mini-Course with The C.L.E.A.R. Method, covering everything from potty training to daily tantrums. This short course with assessments, emails, and pre-recorded videos will guide you toward improved communication, deeper connections, and a more positive family dynamic.
Why? Because The C.L.E.A.R. Method Works!
😔 Feelings of depletion? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
😟 Feeling that there must be a better way? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
🧻 Potty training? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
🤼 Sibling battles? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
🤯 With tantrums and Meltdowns? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
👀 In public and private spaces? Yes, The C.L.E.A.R. Method works.
Click to C.L.E.A.R.“Finding MegAnne and Be Kind Coaching has basically proven to me that people come into your life for a reason. It was what I needed, when I needed it. And provided me another level of confidence and patience and forgiveness - not just in my parenting - but in myself simply as a person.
I guess this is my long-winded way of saying... YOU SHOULD DO THIS. If you are visiting this page, you are probably feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or guilty or (likely) all of the above (and then some). Let MegAnne into your life and learn how much stronger you and your family can become.”
- Caroline B. Mom of 1
"Finally, I found myself in a program that said, 'Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions?'"
- Mom of 3
Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.
"I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don't know what to do with this kid."
- Mom of 2
MegAnne's C.L.E.A.R. Method, her programs, and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human. I love her saying, "The work will always be there for you to pick up."
"I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice."
- Mom of 1
I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired. I found the program to be deeper than tips and tricks. It's a whole transformational process.
more from Tishia...
Beginning I began this journey when my two nephews joined my daughter and me. My nephews have trauma that affects every part of their lives.
I want myself and my home to be a safe and supportive place for my kids.
I went to many different spaces and resources without a sense of feeling supported. All of the tactics they were teaching made sense, but I would get overwhelmed and lost in the moment.
There are a lot of dynamics when three pre-teens live in the same apartment with varying points of view and personalities.
Starting I found MegAnne on TikTok and joined the C.L.E.A.R. and Kind program, adding her method to all the other techniques I was doing.
I consumed any information to help my family feel supported and loved.
Finally, I found myself in a program with MegAnne, that said, "Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions? Have you taken care of yourself?" This program has taught me the importance of taking care of myself first.
Practicing I have embraced process over product. I am constantly processing how to give more power to the kids and allow them to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment.
Bedtime has been where I can practice setting boundaries and standing firm in those boundaries.
Watching one of my children telling the other one, "I do not like how you are doing this," and the other child being able to take that information and stay kind shows me how far we have come.
Living The biggest lesson I have learned is the importance of taking care of myself first. This was foreign to me and still is a struggle at times.
Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.
Since I have had the #kindsquad, I have been able to transfer that kindness and understanding to my kids. Having a team of people there to help without judgment is extremely helpful. I do not know what I would do without it.
MegAnne and her work are always there for you to pick up when you are ready. I enjoy doing her series multiple times and months apart and getting something completely different.
MegAnne's methods work across the board, kids, teachers, family, and yourself. In the end, "putting on your air mask" can be tricky, and that is where MegAnne and her programs help you. I love these programs.
~ Tishia M. ~
Mom of 3
PS. Tishia coined the term "Kindsquad" after joining and reflecting on MarcoPolo, and how she felt about the support, she was given. 💕
more from Dani...
Beginning Our home was stressful most of the time. I was afraid of either being too soft and my strong-willed son ending up in jail or being too firm that I break his imagination and spirit.
I was looking for advice from family members and, eventually, another parenting program. After completing that program, yes, I had a little more clarity but a sense that if I didn't do "Special Time," my kids would be jerks all day.
I spent way too much time on the kitchen floor crying to my mom or sister on facetime.
Starting I found MegAnne! Oh, I found MegAnne!!!!! I started listening to her on morning intentions, and the first Class Pass she held, I began to understand the foundations of positive parenting.
Money was tight during the pandemic, but I told my husband, "I need this; we need this."
Working through the modules and learning the C.L.E.A.R. method was a life changer.
My favorite part was learning how the brain works. It has helped me so much in my head and, in turn, have compassion for how my kid's brains are working.
Practicing I remember the first time I tried something new when connecting to my five-year-old boy at the time.
He was freaking out about something, and the calm, sweet, and annoyed voice didn't work, so I matched his level. "YOU ARE PISSED RIGHT NOW THAT I AM SAYING NO" His face…his face relaxed, and he said quietly and sadly, "Yes," and gave me a big hug.
Oh man, my heart was filled with joy that he felt seen. Does this always happen NOPE I am a person, and I forget to slow down and connect and wonder why they are that way?
When I bring it to the community and talk about it out loud, I can see it on my own. The kindsquad community is powerful.
Living I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don't know what to do with this kid. Cause, in truth, I can't remember.
I have learned that transitions are hard for my oldest, and since the short-term transitions we have practiced enough, they go smoothly.
Of course, I have to keep an eye out for long-term transitions, but now I look forward to these times to support him through them.
MegAnne's program and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human.
The work will always be there for you to pick up.
~ Dani R. ~
Mom of 2
more from Kimmie...
Beginning I was always angry. Angry at my kid for having big feelings, angry at myself for being mad at her feelings, and mad I couldn't just DO better even knowing about positive parenting.
I was trapped in a horrible guilt and shame spiral. Whenever I was less than "perfect," it immediately sent me over the edge.
I felt so helpless and overwhelmed.
Starting After taking her classes Understanding Us and Raising Respectful Kids, I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice.
I realized how much of my struggles were "me" problems and was able to get into therapy to help navigate and process all the seemingly small triggers that ended up being a majority of my day.
I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired.
I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs. It's deeper than tips and tricks. It's a whole transformational process.
Living I've noticed a huge mental shift in how I talk about my daughter.
She's not being needy. She's feeling unsupported. She's not being annoying.
She's seeking clarification. She's not being controlling. She is feeling powerless.
With that shift in mindset, we have been able to slow down and see how to best support her or support me during the rough parts.
She now feels so confident to tell me about her messy bits; before this work, it was yelling and shutdowns.
I would say let us support you. I think that this is the place to be because of the community and foundations.
~ Kimmie H. ~
Mom of 1
"Finally, I found myself in a program that said, 'Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions?'"
- Mom of 3
Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.
more from Tishia...
Beginning I began this journey when my two nephews joined my daughter and me. My nephews have trauma that affects every part of their lives.
I want myself and my home to be a safe and supportive place for my kids.
I went to many different spaces and resources without a sense of feeling supported. All of the tactics they were teaching made sense, but I would get overwhelmed and lost in the moment.
There are a lot of dynamics when three pre-teens live in the same apartment with varying points of view and personalities.
Starting I found MegAnne on TikTok and joined the C.L.E.A.R. and Kind program, adding her method to all the other techniques I was doing.
I consumed any information to help my family feel supported and loved.
Finally, I found myself in a program with MegAnne, that said, "Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions? Have you taken care of yourself?" This program has taught me the importance of taking care of myself first.
Practicing I have embraced process over product. I am constantly processing how to give more power to the kids and allow them to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment.
Bedtime has been where I can practice setting boundaries and standing firm in those boundaries.
Watching one of my children telling the other one, "I do not like how you are doing this," and the other child being able to take that information and stay kind shows me how far we have come.
Living The biggest lesson I have learned is the importance of taking care of myself first. This was foreign to me and still is a struggle at times.
Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.
Since I have had the #kindsquad, I have been able to transfer that kindness and understanding to my kids. Having a team of people there to help without judgment is extremely helpful. I do not know what I would do without it.
MegAnne and her work are always there for you to pick up when you are ready. I enjoy doing her series multiple times and months apart and getting something completely different.
MegAnne's methods work across the board, kids, teachers, family, and yourself. In the end, "putting on your air mask" can be tricky, and that is where MegAnne and her programs help you. I love these programs.
~ Tishia M. ~
Mom of 3
PS. Tishia coined the term "Kindsquad" after joining and reflecting on MarcoPolo, and how she felt about the support, she was given. 💕
"I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don't know what to do with this kid."
- Mom of 2
MegAnne's C.L.E.A.R. Method, her programs, and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human. I love her saying, "The work will always be there for you to pick up."
more from Dani...
Beginning Our home was stressful most of the time. I was afraid of either being too soft and my strong-willed son ending up in jail or being too firm that I break his imagination and spirit.
I was looking for advice from family members and, eventually, another parenting program. After completing that program, yes, I had a little more clarity but a sense that if I didn't do "Special Time," my kids would be jerks all day.
I spent way too much time on the kitchen floor crying to my mom or sister on facetime.
Starting I found MegAnne! Oh, I found MegAnne!!!!! I started listening to her on morning intentions, and the first Class Pass she held, I began to understand the foundations of positive parenting.
Money was tight during the pandemic, but I told my husband, "I need this; we need this."
Working through the modules and learning the C.L.E.A.R. method was a life changer.
My favorite part was learning how the brain works. It has helped me so much in my head and, in turn, have compassion for how my kid's brains are working.
Practicing I remember the first time I tried something new when connecting to my five-year-old boy at the time.
He was freaking out about something, and the calm, sweet, and annoyed voice didn't work, so I matched his level. "YOU ARE PISSED RIGHT NOW THAT I AM SAYING NO" His face…his face relaxed, and he said quietly and sadly, "Yes," and gave me a big hug.
Oh man, my heart was filled with joy that he felt seen. Does this always happen NOPE I am a person, and I forget to slow down and connect and wonder why they are that way?
When I bring it to the community and talk about it out loud, I can see it on my own. The kindsquad community is powerful.
Living I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don't know what to do with this kid. Cause, in truth, I can't remember.
I have learned that transitions are hard for my oldest, and since the short-term transitions we have practiced enough, they go smoothly.
Of course, I have to keep an eye out for long-term transitions, but now I look forward to these times to support him through them.
MegAnne's program and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human.
The work will always be there for you to pick up.
~ Dani R. ~
Mom of 2
"I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice."
- Mom of 1
I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired. I found the program to be deeper than tips and tricks. It's a whole transformational process.
more from Kimmie...
Beginning I was always angry. Angry at my kid for having big feelings, angry at myself for being mad at her feelings, and mad I couldn't just DO better even knowing about positive parenting.
I was trapped in a horrible guilt and shame spiral. Whenever I was less than "perfect," it immediately sent me over the edge.
I felt so helpless and overwhelmed.
Starting After taking her classes Understanding Us and Raising Respectful Kids, I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice.
I realized how much of my struggles were "me" problems and was able to get into therapy to help navigate and process all the seemingly small triggers that ended up being a majority of my day.
I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired.
I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs. It's deeper than tips and tricks. It's a whole transformational process.
Living I've noticed a huge mental shift in how I talk about my daughter.
She's not being needy. She's feeling unsupported. She's not being annoying.
She's seeking clarification. She's not being controlling. She is feeling powerless.
With that shift in mindset, we have been able to slow down and see how to best support her or support me during the rough parts.
She now feels so confident to tell me about her messy bits; before this work, it was yelling and shutdowns.
I would say let us support you. I think that this is the place to be because of the community and foundations.
~ Kimmie H. ~
Mom of 1
“Take it! I have a more loving connection with my children. I’m now working with them more to be a problem-solver, not a problem-finder. I used to think I had to pinpoint an issue and fix it to be able to make a connection. Now I realize we connect by allowing emotions and solving behavior together, and that connection is so much more profound.”
- Cortney G. Mom of 2
“You are not going to get quick fix answers here. This stuff is work but it is worth all the work ten times over. It has improved my relationship with my kids, with my husband but also just in life. It really makes you dig down inside. The class material is relatable to all people but focused on kids and family in this course specifically. “
- Maggie S. Mom of 2
"I kept getting lost in the difficult moments, so I followed the positive parenting journey into the paid programs."
- mom of 2
As the journey progressed, I became aware that I was being triggered and then became aware of what triggered me. After finding what triggered me, I started implementing tools taught by MegAnne that helped me navigate feeling triggered.
more from Shannon...
Beginning In my house, there was a lot of yelling and spanking. I absolutely hated it. It made me feel terrible, and my daughter was not having a good time either.
I didn’t know where all this red-hot rage came from. I had no idea where my actions stemmed from or the harm they were causing physically and mentally. But I had a sense that it hugely affected our relationship, trust, and communication.
Starting I began by investing my time in all of the free spaces that MegAnne offers, Tiktok videos and lives, live podcast recordings, podcasts, and Monday intentions.
I learned so much from those spaces but wanted more understanding, and I kept getting lost in the difficult moments, so I followed the positive parenting journey into the paid programs.
As the journey progressed, I became aware that I was being triggered and then became aware of what triggered me.
After finding what triggered me, I started implementing tools taught by MegAnne that helped me navigate feeling triggered. It wasn’t about my kid - it was about me.
Practicing Bath time is a calm and relaxing time. Previously it was screaming, yelling, and even hitting sometimes.
Ugh. It makes me sick to think of how it was. Now it’s safe and fun, and comfy.
Everyone’s having a great time, and it’s a great way to wind down the day.
Living We are tackling the morning routine now with the same goals. And we’ve created a routine chart and a routine and clear expectations, and we are getting there!
It’s a process, and we are working on getting to fun and giggles every morning.
Join in the spaces you can. Take notes. Journal. Come to the free podcast. There’s open time for questions at the end. It helped me so much to get it out into the open. People were so kind and safe and sometimes could look from a different POV. A POV I couldn’t see - a blind spot. So many ah-ha’s.
~ Shannon S. ~
Mom of 2
"Of course, nothing is perfect, and not everyone will always be happy, but in 25 yrs, I will likely look back and thank my past self for taking the time, doing the work, and prioritizing myself and my family."
- mom of 1
The realization that almost every struggle comes back to how I show up in a given situation. That the tools I inherited were broken or damaged, not me. Through education, hard work, and patience, I can be the mom I had envisioned I would be.
more from Chelsea...
My inability to self-regulate and my anger made me hate myself. I felt like I was a failure at parenting. I thought I was broken and would damage my kid, causing her to need years of therapy. I felt unequipped to be a mother and that I would pass along the same level of anxiety and trauma that I struggle with. My wonderful little girl would be ruined by my inability to parent with any consistency or compassion.
The future can look entirely different, but the real question was, was I ready for that? I was, and it has changed my whole outlook on life. Of course, nothing is perfect, and not everyone will always be happy, but in 25 yrs, I will likely look back and thank my past self for taking the time, doing the work, and prioritizing myself and my family.
The communication between my daughter and I have increased, and I can regulate myself and hold back frustration from the person I most care for. I see her using tools I never had in an environment crafted for safety. We have agreements for so many things that our walls are becoming sturdy, and our foundation is strong. We no longer go into situations without talking about them in advance, and when dysregulation occurs, we can handle things without everyone losing their cool.
The realization that almost every struggle comes back to how I show up in a given situation. That the tools I inherited were broken or damaged, not me. Through education, hard work, and patience, I can be the mom I had envisioned I would be. I have slowly started to look at myself with love. Now, I can hold space through my daughter's tough times, and this was something that I was never given. I have realized that I have always been worthy of love and community and don't have to hide in the shadows as if I don't exist. I finally understand what it means to love yourself, and that's a gift I will cherish for the rest of my days.
Are you worth the time? Is your family worth the time? Do you want to change? If so, jump in. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
This work is not always pretty, and there will likely be times you question your sanity. It takes time, and nothing is going to happen overnight. But, with consistency and care, this could be the best change you'll make in your lifetime. This change is like a ripple and could alter life paths without you even realizing it. When you see your kid/s setting their boundaries and showing up to make agreements, you will start to see the value in the deep soul-searching journey you have taken on.