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Parent Coach with 20 years of experience bringing joy into homes

My passion is connecting with clients and modeling that they can connect with their children in the hard moments. 

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach

Yelling, punishing, & shaming does NOT work.

Throughout my time in classroom teaching and in home coaching, I have found the best way forward through big emotions is by connecting. I continuously educate myself on how the brain works with our body to help coach parents through big emotions with their kids.  I firmly believe instinct has little to do with raising empowered children. 

If we always do what we've always done. We will always get what we always had.

Click to Start Replacing Broken Tools Today

This work is a lifestyle up-level, not just one or two tricks

I know when you work the process, the process works because of the over 500 families I have worked with, and in my own life, we live the positive impact. I coach myself and the families I work with to focus on positive connection and healthy attachment. Yelling, routines, agreements, and big emotions cannot be navigated with instinct alone. 

Stop yelling with positive parenting coach MegAnne Ford


I love to yell, it is my go-to way to release big emotions. It takes thoughtful intention to choose a different tool.  I coach myself in big moments, picking up tools that allow me to respond instead of reacting. I know that yelling has a negative impact.

Create routines with positive parenting coach MegAnne Ford


When I create my routines, it takes time to implement and become consistent. I know that if someone else created the routine, I would resist. Learning how to create a routine and hold myself accountable is something that I continually evolve. 

connect with positive parenting coach MegAnne Ford


Learning about how to manage agreements is a learned skill. Being too rigid or too soft can cause resentment. Not using agreements can cause anger, frustration, and fear. I teach and coach parents when and where to use agreements. 

manage big emotion with positive parenting coach MegAnne Ford

Big Emotions

Learning to navigate someone else experiencing big emotions, such as fear, sadness, or anger, can be difficult if you have never been taught or modeled. I have made it my life's mission to connect with anyone I encounter and coach parents to connect with their kids.

Watching you break through your own barriers.

Parenting your child is something only you can do. I provide you with resources to better understand yourself and your child, present new tools to use in challenging moments, and the C.L.E.A.R Method. Only you can do the work. I have created and strictly maintain safe spaces for parents to show up vulnerable to learn from mistakes. I believe that mistakes are opportunities to learn. I am here to help parents navigate their mistakes and celebrate the wins, no matter how small. 

Process Wins over Product Wins

Click to Start Collecting Your Wins

Three Rules

We give what we can hold for ourselves. My agreements to myself are ones that I can give you. 

Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself

This can be a challenge. For most of us, it is a foreign concept. If we can practice being kind to ourselves, we can pass and model that kindness to our families and community. 

be kind to your family

Be kind to your family

Graphics are limiting. You are the co-creator inside your family. I help people who are in the care of children and want support in creating their role in the family. 

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Be kind to your Community

I hold a strict no-tolerance boundary to this rule. This is a safe space for me, and I extend an invitation for it to be a safe place for you to come as you are. 

The seeds we plant and nurture today will grow tomorrow 

Positive Parenting is a researched methodology and philosophy that helps parents remove fear-based punishments and begins improving relationships. Positive Parenting can be learned with conscious practice and intention.

(Practicing positive parenting feels the opposite of "just winging it.")

Click to Claim Your Tools to Help You Nurture

I wish that my parents had this support while raising me.  

As seen here smiling, the biggest smile. I started my journey to create the C.L.E.A.R. Method because it was lacking in my home.  I was the strong-willed child, the problem child, the "you are too much" child. But, in reality, I was a misunderstood child. 

My story is not pretty but I worked hard to find my present belief that my parents were doing their best with the tools they carried: shame, blame, and punishment. Unfortunately, those tools led me to be resentful and vengeful.

I found my calling as I began my career in early childhood education.  As I further educated myself about how the brain works and develops, I couldn't stop! I brought my knowledge into the classroom, a rich environment to try out new connection techniques. 

My coaching program formed when parents of strong-willed children would come into the school and watch me with their children and say things like, "Wait, how did you just get them to do that?"

This work means a lot to me because I wish my parents had these tools while raising my siblings and me. But instead, I was a misunderstood child that became an adult that chose to estrange myself from my mom to become who I am today. 

I was lucky to say goodbye to my mom knowing that she did the best she knew how. If she had been aware of the damage she was causing, she would have worked hard to stop and learned new tools. 

I am a parenting coach here to support you in building a healthy and strong relationship with your kids that will last a lifetime. 

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach

The Method

Feeling out of control in your home feels horrible. Let me introduce you to the method I coach, and that works. Stop entitlement, tantrums, meltdowns, and repeating yourself by asking yourself these questions. The C.L.E.A.R. Method is a system that you will learn and rely on to transform you and your family.

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach


Are we both calm and connected?

Results in:
"I see you. I hear you."

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach


Is there a defined limit and boundary?

Results in: 
"I respect you."

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach


What is the choice or decision made?

Results in:
"You are capable of making a decision."

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach


How can I follow-through?

Results in:
"Mistakes are opportunities to learn."

Be Kind Coaching | Parent Coach


How am I going to reconnect or repair?

Results in:
"Let's repair, reconnect, and reassess."

Click to Learn more about 5 Days to C.L.E.A.R.

MegAnne's Certifications

2016: Impact Coaching Academy: Certified Life Coach and Parenting Coach ACC- Level 1 
2017: Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator 
2020: Continuing education through Mindsight Institute: The Mindsight Approach to Well-Being: A Comprehensive Course in Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Teacher: Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. MH-300 
2022: Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence Teacher: Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

This list will continue to grow.