I want a Parenting Framework!
Emotional Intelligent Parenting | Be Kind Coaching

Emotional Intelligent Parenting

roadblocks Nov 02, 2023

Emotional intelligent parenting unveiled by movies. Movies usually have two main characters- the good guy and the bad guy- and then all the people in the background. In parenting, these are the "perfect parents" and the two villains- "Monster Mommy and Scary Daddy."

Limiting beliefs in parenting can hold you back from creating a secure relationship with your children. There is one story that I hold on to 'rent free' in my head that is destructive and that I see so many parents fall into—the story of the GOOD parent versus the BAD parent.

During a late-night summer porch conversation with friends, the topic of personal values arose. The discussion led to realizing the parallels between superhero narratives and real-life experiences.

As a preschool teacher, I discovered that the difference between "good" and "bad" individuals often boiled down to emotional intelligence, a nurturing caregiver, and a positive self-narrative. As in superhero stories, the antidote to hurting people and hurting others was healing, understanding, love, and connection.


Transitioning to parenting stories, many parents I work with share similar narratives of a "perfect" and a "bad" parent within themselves. This internal struggle leads to the Yell, Guilt, Gift cycle, attempting to escape the "Monster Mommy" or "Scary Daddy" alter-ego, or also mom-guilt.


  1. The difference between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" in parenting isn't inherent traits but emotional intelligence and nurturing caregivers.
  2. Hurt people often hurt people, and the antidote is healing, understanding, love, and connection.
  3. Unpacking and rewriting limiting beliefs about what makes a "good parent" or a "bad parent" can break the cycle of negative parenting behaviors.


Unpacking the Binary: How Can I Be an Emotionally Intelligent Mother?

In parenting, the dichotomy of being a "good" or "bad" mother often overshadows the complexity of the emotional landscape. To embark on the journey of emotionally intelligent parenting, it's crucial to unpack this binary.

Understanding the nuances of emotional intelligence becomes a cornerstone for fostering a healthy parent-child relationship. Educating yourself as a parent about what grows a healthy parent-child relationship is a great place to start.

Using the Binary good/ bad leaves you thinking you are broken and can not become a better version of yourself. That is simply not true. 


The Essence of Emotional Intelligence: Why Is It Vital for Parents?

Emotional intelligence lays the foundation for meaningful connections between parents and children. It involves self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication.

Exploring the vital role emotional intelligence plays in parenting opens doors to understanding the emotional needs of both parents and children. This awareness becomes a guiding light, steering away from the limiting judgments of "good" or "bad" parenting.

Awareness is one of the 3 pillars that Be Kind Coaching supports parents in uncovering and digging into.


Nurturing Emotional Resilience: Parenting Type Impacts a Child's Emotional Intelligence

Parenting styles significantly influence a child's emotional intelligence. By examining parenting types, we unveil their impact on emotional resilience.

The journey towards emotionally intelligent parenting involves recognizing the different styles and fostering an environment that nurtures emotional strength. Understanding this dynamic paves the way for creating a resilient foundation for children.

Knowing what parenting style you use in your everyday family life allows you to understand that it takes practice and education to stay inside the parenting style that positively impacts your kids. Are you Permissive? Authoritarian? Authoritiative? Neglectful? In one day, you might be each of the four.  


Raising Tomorrow's Leaders: How Do You Raise a High EQ Child?

Practical strategies come into play when aiming to raise emotionally intelligent children. The focus shifts from the binary of "good" and "bad" parenting to actionable steps that empower parents.

Cultivating emotional intelligence in children involves encouraging open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and fostering a supportive environment. A systematic approach ensures the development of high emotional intelligence in the next generation.

Be Kind Coaching with Parent Coach MegAnne Ford supports parents in cultivating their emotional intelligence so that parents can, in turn, do that for their kids. 


Unveiling the Layers of Emotionally Intelligent Parenting

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting beckons parents to move beyond the binary constructs of parenting. It invites them to explore the intricacies of emotional intelligence, recognizing its significance in building strong parent-child relationships.

By addressing the Missing Pillars of Awareness and Education, the blog aligns with the principles of Be Kind Coaching. Readers are encouraged to join a community that values growth, understanding, and positive parenting. 


Further reading on Emotionally Intelligent Parenting:

Emotional Intelligence Creates Loving and Supportive Parenting: The Gottman Institute

3 Do's and Don'ts for Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids: The Gottman Institute


MegAnne Ford | Parenting Coach

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I want a Parenting Framework

Joining again! I didn't stick with it. So, I'm going to do this as a refresher, and actually practice this time. - Kilyn

"I can't recommend this enough. Every time I revisit a course I learn something new for whatever stage my kids and I are in at that time. This work with MegAnne changes my family relationships, work relationships, friendships, everything!" ❤️ - Quillin

Learning the details of the clear method were really helpful. I’m continually reminding myself to connect. - Owen

MegAnne Ford a Parenting Coach with 20+ years of experience bringing joy into homes

I grew up in a home that labeled me as a difficult child. I became a teacher and quickly found that my inherited 'parenting' toolbox was unbalanced. 

I dug into the research learned from thought leaders and came up with a repeatable, learnable method, that is guaranteed to improve any parent-child relationship.

I began teaching the method to my student's parents and now to parents around the world. 

My passion is connecting with clients and modeling so that they can connect with their children in the hard moments. 

The Blueprint will give you awareness about why parenting your child has been difficult and give you your personalized plan on how to move toward joy.

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